Communications and Technology Committee


The Communications and Technology Committee shall exist to continue and inform the work of the association that relates to all aspects of technology, from the way through which technology is used to conduct association business to the use of technology/social platforms to communicate on behalf of the association.

The work on the committee shall include addressing emerging issues in the use of different types of technology; reviewing web resources and platforms used on, making recommendations as needed; functioning as a staff resource on aspects of technology, its use for professional responsibilities, and its use by association customers.  


The Committee will:

  • Review, recommend and advocate for the AASLD’s information technology/social media direction, capabilities, strategic objectives, and resource allocation
  • Identify opportunities where information technology/social platforms can assist the organization in achieving its goals, and evaluate the readiness of AASLD to leverage such technologies
  • Establish and monitor measurable objectives for information technology/social media to ensure alignment with strategic objectives
  • Ensure that information technology/social media is appropriately incorporated into all AASLD planning initiatives
  • Advise and recommend information technology strategies and approaches to enhance and simplify the end user experience
  • Assess how effectively current technology/social media is being utilized at the association
  • Identify, prioritize and recommend areas for expansion of technology utilization for the enhancement of the associations programs, services and management.
  • Recommend funding strategies and priorities for major technology spending
  • Receive regular reports from the AASLD staff liaison, and review and respond as appropriate
  • Establish (as needed) technology/social media subcommittees.
  • Advise the Governing Board about the information technology/social media needs and concerns of AASLD.

Size, Term, Composition

Six (6) members will serve staggered three-year terms with new members appointed annually.


Committee members will be selected by AASLD President, with the advice and consent of the Governing Board.

Governing Board Liaison

A board liaison may be appointed for the purpose of sharing information between committee members, the Governing Board and AASLD staff.

Reports To

The committee will report to the Governing Board. Written reports are submitted for each Governing Board Meeting.


The committee will meet via conference call or in-person at least once per quarter.

Work Outside Of Meetings



Individual committee member expenses are reimbursed in accordance with association policy.

Relates To Goal

  • 4.0 Organizational Health and Resource Alignment Develop and align the organization’s resources to achieve the mission of AASLD
  • 4.4 Continually assess and improve AASLD products, processes, and infrastructure (Continuous Quality Improvement) Evaluate AASLD infrastructure

Committee Members

Atoosa Rabiee, MD, MD
Emily A. Schonfeld, MD
Board Liaison
Oren K. Fix, MD, MSc, FAASLD
Committee Members
Avash Kalra, MD
Alyson Kaplan, MD, MS
Howard (Tzu-Hao) Lee, MD
Nizar Senussi, MD
Staff Liaisons
Joseph Ersek, BA/BS
Mark Moseley, Jr, MS
Patient Representative